About PIF

Hi there, my names Pif. I am an ex-hedge fund trader and A.I. developer with 23+ years of experience in the financial markets. Why the anonymity you may ask? It’s simple, I no longer desire making the rich richer. They weren’t too happy about that decision, so to protect my identity you will know me as Pif. I believe in decentralization. I believe that the little guy deserves to win. I believe knowledge and technology like this should be available to you just like its available to the world’s elite. So, I decided to put my years of successful trading knowledge into an A.I. algorithm. This A.I. algorithm has forever helped me change the way I look at money. I am not a slave to it, it’s a slave to me. I want that for you. I want you to have something that works for your family, so you can finally start to create your financial nest egg. You can get my A.I. algorithm for free. That’s right for free. No catches. Just click get started and you can start leveraging my tech today. May the Forex forefathers grant you financial freedom as they have done for me.

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